Thompson Bed

Hello Everyone,

We have a new addition to our clinic, the Thompson Bed! This type of bed uses a method known as the drop method in which the bed itself drops allowing the therapist to adjust the patient much more safely while at the same time using less strength to avoid discomfort of the patient. This bed is powered by compressed air and lessens the overall pressure the patient feels.

This special bed is patient-friendly and was developed from a medical perspective to safely and accurately adjust vertebral displacement with minimal stimulation by applying a manual therapy technique called the “Thompson Technique.” 

The bed has the capability to accept a wide range of body types as well as patients that find it hard to lay down, the Thompson bed can be elevated in a vertical position and then lowers itself to a horizontal position. 

As of now only the Yomitan Clinic has the Thompson Bed, however in the future the Ginowan Clinic may be fitted with said bed. The trained staff will be available to give adjustments using this new form of bed. The pricing of receiving an adjustment with the Thompson bed will also be a little more expensive than a standard adjustment (Adjustment fee + ¥550) and since there is only one bed per clinic it is advised to make reservations ahead of time to secure the Thompson bed adjustment in your preferred time slot.

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