Christmas tree🎶.
Hello everyone. This is Life Force Chiropractic. It's the middle of November, which means it's finally autumn in Okinawa! I am so happy!
Hello everyone. This is Life Force Chiropractic. It's the middle of November, which means it's finally autumn in Okinawa! I am so happy!
Hello everyone, I am Kawamitsu, the representative of LFC. It has been getting a little chilly lately, how are you doing? Wind
Hello LFC Narumi! It's still hot in the daytime, but LFC is in xmas mode a little early&#x
Hello! This is Roy from LFC staff.(^_^) I would like to introduce the American Augustine Family!
Hello everyone, I am Kawamitsu, President of LFC. Today, I would like to share with you the details of LFC's 5th anniversary. Thinking back
Hello! I am Narumi, a member of the LFC staff! Today I would like to tell you a little about my child🍀 5
Hello everyone! This is Shun from Life Force Chiropractic. This time, we are joined by Shingo Higa from Ryukyu Corazon!
Hello everyone, Life Force Chiropractic here. We recently had a company information session at SOLA Academy. Now