I would like to describe my love of soccer and chiropractic, which I have done for over 30 years.
Soccer is a sport that requires instantaneous force and endurance, and is very demanding on the body. The following areas are particularly prone to strain:
- knee joint(Burden at turns and stops)
- coxa(Importance of range of motion in kicking and running)
- ankle(risk of sprains on landing and turning movements)
- Hips and back(posture retention and impact during contact play)
Chiropractic care can help balance these bodies, increase the range of motion of joints, and relieve muscle tension. The following benefits can be expected, especially for soccer players
1. performance improvement
- Aligning the pelvis and spine for ease of movement
- Improved flexibility of muscles and joints
- Wider range of motion allows for more dynamic movement
2. injury prevention
- Reduce the risk of injury by correcting left-right differences (imbalances) in the body
- Reduce strain on hip joints, knees and ankles
3. recovery promotion
- Recovery from fatigue after games and practices
- Early care for muscle and joint strain
In fact, an increasing number of clubs in Europe and the J-League have chiropractors and conditioning specialists accompanying their teams.
Premium league teams such as AC Milan Chelsea
Brazilian representative, etc.
The following are some approaches to care and treatment points especially for soccer players.
1. pelvis and hip joint adjustment
- Increased flexibility in the hip area, since soccer involves a lot of kicking and dashing.
- Injury Prevention Distortion of the pelvis causes a difference in kicking and turning movements between the left and right sides, which can easily lead to injury.
- Approaches to the sacroiliac joint and iliopsoas muscles improve pelvic stability and range of motion.
2. reduction of knee load
- Because there are many stops and goes and sudden changes of direction, the stress is concentrated on the knee area (especially the medial collateral ligament and meniscus).
- Distributes the burden on the knee by adjusting the linkage to the pelvis, hip joint, and ankle joint.
- Adjustment of the foot arch is also important (flat feet and big toes increase the burden).
3. lumbar and thoracic spine mobility adjustment
- Since soccer involves a lot of upper and lower body twisting, it is important to check the range of motion of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
- If the thorax does not move well, power is not transferred properly during kicking, and unnecessary strain is placed on the lower back and hip joints.
- In chiropractic, the thoracic and costovertebral joints are adjusted to bring out the suppleness of the upper body.
4. ankle/foot adjustment
- Since there are many instantaneous cutting back and stopping movements, it is important to maintain a wide range of motion in the ankle.
- Alignment check of the talus and calcaneus bones, as distortion of the foot can lead to knee and hip injuries.
- Adjustment of foot balance on the kicking foot side (instep or inside) during kicking is also effective in improving performance.
5. conditioning & recovery care
- Myofascial release and nervous system adjustments are also important for recovery after games and practice.
- Another specialty of chiropractic care is to regulate the autonomic nervous system and help people get a good night's sleep.
Examples of actual treatment
pre-game: pelvic and hip mobility improvement, foot adjustment, thoracic adjustment (and deeper breathing)
after the matchMuscle relaxation, alignment of the entire spinal column, and recovery promotion.
As mentioned above, chiropractic has many adjustments that can improve soccer performance.
It is also effective for injury prevention and post-game recovery!
For those who play sports, not only soccer, but also other sports, it is important to keep your body in good condition.Bring out your best performance!!!"The following is an example of a product that can be used in this way.
If you have recently become less sharp than before and would like to regain your original performance, please visit us.