Hello everyone! This is Shun from Lifeforce Chiropractic.
This time we are pleased to welcome Shingo Higa from Ryukyu Corazon.
Higa visited us for the first time in 3 months, and although his body was generally stiff, he looked much refreshed after the treatment, and we look forward to his future activities.
The Japan Handball League has been on a break for the last month and this month, and the league will resume next month and the All Japan Championships will be held.
The tough schedule continues, and the physical strain of the intense bumping and shuffling of offenses and defenses in games can be quite demanding on the body.
Higa is expected to play well and will take good care of himself so that he can play satisfactorily.
The entire staff of Ryukyu Corazon is cheering for the Ryukyu Corazon to win the game from the middle of the season onward.