Hello, I'm Dr. Igarashi, a member of the Life Force Chiropractic staff! I am Igarashi, a staff member of Life Force Chiropractic.
In this issue, I would like to once again describe chiropractic's specialties and their benefits.
Chiropractic specialties are,Relief of disorders and pain related to the musculoskeletal and nervous systemsThe following are some of the most common. It is often particularly effective for the following symptoms and conditions
1. waist
One of the most common reasons chiropractic is most often used is to relieve back pain. By adjusting spinal and pelvic distortions and reducing pressure on nerves, chiropractic care can help relieve pain.
2. stiff shoulders/neck pain
Long hours at a desk or using a smartphone can cause stiff shoulders and neck pain. Chiropractors provide treatment to improve posture and skeletal balance and relieve muscle tension.
3. headache
When the cause of tension headaches or migraines is related to problems in the neck, shoulders, or spine, chiropractic care can be effective. The goal is to relieve muscle tension and nerve compression, among other things.
4. improvement of posture
We also specialize in correcting physical problems caused by poor posture, such as hunchback, straight neck, and pelvic distortion. Restoring correct skeletal balance improves the quality of appearance and movement.
5. sports injuries and performance improvement
Chiropractic care is also commonly used by athletes. The goal is to improve performance by recovering from injuries, preventing injuries, and smoothing the movement of muscles and joints.
6. sciatica
Sciatica is often caused by nerve compression due to problems in the lumbar spine or pelvis. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce and improve pain.
7. pain or numbness in the extremities
If numbness or pain in the hands or feet is caused by distortion of the spine or joints, this is also corrected.
8. back pain
Chiropractic correction can improve back pain caused by misalignment of the spine and muscle tension.
If you suffer from any of the above symptoms or others, please contact us.
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."Bringing out the best performance‼︎"
The entire staff is looking forward to serving you!