Thank you Sonya!

Hello everyone! This is Roy from Life Force Chiropractic Staff (^_^)

This time I would like to introduce Sonya, who was my treatment!

Sonya has been receiving weekly treatments for about 1 year and 2 months since her visit last March!

At first, he had pain in his neck, back, and hips, but as he continued treatment, his pain decreased significantly, and he has been coming to our store every week for maintenance for over a year since!

Sonya-san loves Japan very much and is studying Japanese, so our conversation was a mixture of English and Japanese! We had a lot of fun communicating with each other, such as introducing each other's favorite izakaya (Japanese style pubs) and talking about things that happened on the weekend! (^_^) The most memorable conversation was about Sonya's trip to Africa with her family! She showed me many real photos of Africa and talked about Africa in Japanese, which really touched my heart!

This was Sonya's last visit to our store as she is leaving Okinawa and Japan! As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, she has been coming to our store every week for about 1 year and 2 months, so we feel sad, but we are looking forward to seeing her again somewhere! Thank you Sonya for all your hard work!

All of us at LFC wish Sonya and her family the best of health! Thank you so much!!!!

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