
Hello everyone!
I am Shoya, a Life Force Chiropractic STAFF member!

In this issue, we will discuss "hydration"!

The body constantly regulates the maintenance of body fluid so that circulatory functions will not be disturbed when water in the blood or in the body decreases due to metabolism such as sweating and urination.

However, without hydration, dehydration can cause edema, fatigue, headaches, and in severe cases, dizziness and organ failure.

So hydration is important to prevent them.

Here are some guidelines for hydration.

1. Approximate dosage...30-40ml per 1kg of body weight. 1.7L for 50kg, 2.1L for 60kg, 2.4L for 70kg.

Do not drink more than 1 liter per hour.

→This may lead to water intoxication.

2. Drinks...Water, barley tea, soda water, and rooibos tea are recommended.

Caffeine in coffee and tea and alcohol in liquor are not suitable for rehydration because they are diuretic and cause the body to eliminate water!

Sports drinks are also recommended after exercise, sauna, hot water bath, bodywork, and stretching.

3. Time...It is recommended to drink every 90 minutes upon waking, during meals, before and after bathing, and before sleep.

How was it?

Properly hydrated, fatigue and malaise can make a big difference!

For good health, take it according to season, physical activity, and physical condition!

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