Hello! I am Narumi from Life Force Chiropractic.
Have you made any plans for Golden Week? I haven't decided anything yet and am trying to figure out where to take the kids 😹If you have any recommendations for places to go, please let me know 🤣.
The weather has been getting worse lately, but I hope it will be sunny during Golden Week 🧡.
I believe that everyone is making various efforts to stay healthy, such as taking supplements and exercising with health products.
Today, I would like to tell you about "Shiroyu," a health method that can be easily added to your usual care.
White water is good for you! is something everyone has heard of.
It's really true and drinking white water is full of good things 😆☝️
💠Improvement of body cooling
Humans are said to be hypothermic when their body temperature is lower than 36.0°C. A low body temperature lowers the immune system and makes us more susceptible to viruses and diseases. And what is especially scary is that low body temperature makes cancer cells healthy😱.
Drinking warm white water can improve body cooling. Since the drink goes directly into the body, the temperature of the drink can easily affect the body. Drinking white hot water can be expected to warm the stomach and intestines and produce heat in the body, thus warming the body 🌟.
And wow, what a !!!! When your body temperature rises, your basal metabolic rate increases and you become less likely to gain weight 💖Happiness
💠Diet Effects
White water is also attracting attention because of its link to weight loss. Drinking shiroyu raises the temperature of the stomach, intestines, and other internal organs by 1°C. This increase in temperature is said to increase basic metabolism, making it easier for fat to be burned, which in turn leads to weight loss.
Fat hardens in cold areas and becomes stubborn cellulite, so warming up your entire body will help you have a beautiful body line. 🧚♀️
💠Detox effect
White water also has a detoxifying effect, expelling waste and toxins from the body. Drinking only cold beverages can cause coldness, which prevents the body from properly expelling waste and makes it easier for waste to accumulate in the body. Frequent drinking of white water improves metabolism and blood circulation, thus supporting the body's ability to easily expel waste and toxins.
Leads to 💠 beautiful skin
Drinking white water increases metabolism, which helps regulate skin turnover and leads to beautiful skin. Turnover is the cycle in which new skin is born and old skin is peeled off, and as people age, this cycle gradually slows down. When this skin cycle is disturbed, it becomes a cause of skin problems. Drinking white water improves the circulation of blood and makes it easier for the blood's nutrients to reach the skin, resulting in beautiful skin!
How about starting a simple and quick way to improve your health?