Hello everyone! This is Shun from Lifeforce Chiropractic.
This time, we had two pitchers from Okinawa Electric Power Company, Atsuya Uchima and Yusuke Yamashiro, come to our office. Pitcher Uchima visited us for the fifth time, and after the treatment, the before and after of his back is very easy to see and we are grateful for his satisfaction. In baseball pitching, the entire body is involved in the motion of the the upper body, torso and lower body, so the physical burden is greater than that of a fielder, and fatigue can easily accumulate. This fatigue causes the muscles from the lower limbs to the hip joints to become stiff and inflexible, which puts a strain on the lower back during twisting motions and causes lower back pain.
Pitchers use their nerves more than twice as much as fielders do, and I believe this is the cause of his back pain and stiffness in his lower back. However, after correction, the range of motion of the entire body will be expanded, and the stability of the balance of the pitching form, arm swing, and turn for checks and strikes will be enhanced.
In addition, baseball players who have come to us, especially those who came from a pitching background, have told us that their pitching speed has increased several kilometers.
This was the first visit to our clinic for Mr. Yamashiro.
He went to Kyushu Kyoritsu University, which is famous throughout the country and has produced many professional pitchers, and then joined the Okinawa Electric Power Company, a local team.
Pitcher Yamashiro mainly had symptoms of discomfort in his left knee and stiffness in his neck, and when I examined the overall misalignment of his body, I found that his pelvis was also misaligned
Since the pelvis is the foundation of the human body and distortion of the pelvis is related to the upper limbs, we also corrected his back and neck, and finally corrected his left knee, which had been a concern for Yamashiro.
I was also very happy to see that he looked very satisfied without any catching during the gyration movement. I think that he is now able to move without any discomfort in the training menu.
Pitcher Yamashiro boasts a maximum speed of 147 km/h. We will continue to support him and Uchima san in updating their maximum pitching speeds and will make every effort to provide satisfactory correction every time. We look forward to continue working with both of them in the future.
The entire staff will continue to support Okinawa Electric Power's good luck in this season's match.
Next month, the team will have a practice game against an NPB team, and we look forward to their success and victory in the game.
We are also looking forward to seeing many baseball players, including those who play for the Okinawa Electric Power Company, other adult baseball teams, and student baseball players who have physical pain or discomfort, as well as many other baseball-related people.