Hello! I am Narumi, a member of the LFC staff!
Today I will tell you a little about my children🍀.
My oldest son, age 5, is restless, has trouble expressing emotions, and is hysterical.
I had been struggling with how to deal with my children for a long time.
I consulted with Kaori and she was hyperactive due to neck misalignment.
I had the director look at it the other day because I heard that it can become a
He explained to my anxious eldest son in simple terms, such as I'm looking at his neck now.
I got used to it right away. ☺️ After the adjustment, I was more excited than usual.
When are you going next? Your face is getting smaller! and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
He is still the same good-natured guy, but recently he has started to listen to me more and more,
The child who used to lash out when she didn't get her way is now very obedient and able to talk to me about many things.
I am now able to spend every day with a smile on my face, and once again, the distortion of the body affects many parts of the body.
I felt ✨I will continue to overcome various obstacles through trial and error😊.
PS. the picture is my second son lol
If you have concerns about childcare, please come with your children. ☺️
We look forward to seeing you soon🤗