Hello everyone, Life Force Chiropractic here.
We recently held a company information session at SOLA Gakuen. This was the third time. This time it was the Department of Sports and Health. As one would expect from the Department of Sports and Health! They have been studying athletic functions and nutrition, and they also do weight training, so they are muscular and good looking!
In the company presentation, our staff Chinen (a graduate of SOLA Academy, who was nervous but did his best!) The presentation was given by our staff Chinen (a graduate of SOLA Academy, who was very nervous, but did her best! We are very grateful to all the students for listening to our presentation so earnestly. Next, we gave a demonstration of our treatment in another room. Although it was the first time for all the students to try chiropractic, three of them experienced it for themselves and felt the effect of the treatment.
I would like to thank all the teachers and staff of SOLA Academy and the Department of Sports and Health for their valuable time.
Dear students! If you are interested in our store, we are waiting for you!