Chihiro-kun is here!

Hello! This is Roy from LFC staff (^_^)

This time, Chihiro, who used to work part-time at our store, came to receive a very popular ¥550 massage this month!

Chihiro worked hard every day as a part-timer at our store while balancing his studies during his school days! I have the impression that he learned everything very quickly, including how to perform the treatment and how fast he learned English! This time, for the first time, Chihiro was a customer and received treatment from a new staff member, Narumi, using the same techniques that Chihiro had been using before! He seemed to be so relaxed after the treatment that when we took his picture, he jokingly asked, "Is my face OK? He was laughing jokingly when we took his picture.

Thanks to the ¥550 massages everyone has received, both Ms. Narumi and Mr. Kenji have improved their treatment skills considerably! Please look forward to further progress in the future!

The ¥550 massage ends this week! If you have not had a massage yet and would like to have one again, please take this opportunity!

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