Organic Aroma

Hello everyone! This is Shun from Life Force Chiropractic.

In this issue, we would like to introduce you to Organic Aroma. This product is Curere's Organic Aroma, which is a special blend of aroma as an item that can take care of the stresses of work and daily life.

It relaxes the body from the moment it is deployed in the room. The olfactory nerve is one of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves that extend directly from the brain stem, and is called the first nerve because it branches out from the most cephalic part of the brain.

It will be a powerful item that will relieve all the stress of the day at once in the bath and in the bedroom after coming home from work.

It is an original blend that is immediately refreshing and stress-specific anywhere as a special attention to detail. We use organic essential oils.

The material contains five ingredients. Details are given below.

Ingredients: lemon tea tree (leaves have a nice lemony aroma, strong disinfectant. It also repels insects.)

Rosemary (promotes blood circulation, relieves fatigue and improves memory)

Frankincense (rejuvenating oil excellent for dry and rough skin problems. Soothes the mind and helps regulate breathing)

Mastic (effective against venous and lymphatic congestion, leg fatigue and swelling)

Lemon (basic action is to cool heat, purify and detoxify).

If you are interested, please contact us or consult our staff.

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