Pregnant women can also receive treatment!

Hello! This is Roy from LFC staff (^_^)

In this issue, we introduce a cushion for pregnant women!

Until early pregnancy (about 13 weeks), sleeping on one's stomach is not dangerous for the baby because the baby is protected by many cushions, including the uterus and amniotic fluid. Some data suggest that sleeping on your back during the middle to late stages of pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth, so it is best to avoid sleeping on your back or on your stomach, if possible, throughout your pregnancy.

With that said, since the patient is supine when adjusting the distortion of the spine, we can actually adjust the spine by having the patient lie supine using this cushion!

We have had more than 10 people, and currently 2, who are pregnant, and we actually perform the treatment while using this product! People often tell us, "I didn't think I could receive treatment while I was pregnant! It is not easy to be on your stomach when you are pregnant! It is not easy to lie on your stomach during pregnancy, so most people wonder if they can have the treatment while pregnant. However, you can receive the treatment on your stomach until just before delivery, so if you are interested in having the treatment or know someone who is pregnant, please refer them to us!

I have a client who is currently 37 weeks pregnant, so please take a look at her treatment!

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