Delicious! Handmade meat bun shop

Hello, this is Life Force Chiropractic Morley.

Previously.Sam's CafeWe went to a restaurant and ate delicious meat.

However, now I wanted to eat a meat bun.

After some research, I got information that there is a delicious homemade steamed bun in Urasoe City!

So this time I came to Maeda, Urasoe City, in search of delicious steamed meat buns.

The name of the restaurant is "Tang Tang"!

'TheTang TangI heard that it is written "tan-tan" and reads "tan-tan".

This restaurant has become famous for its handmade steamed meat buns.

When I was there, there were many visitors.

This place has an extensive menu of meat buns.

Meat buns, bean-jam buns, and Kakuni oil miso buns.

These three are for sale.

In addition to that, we have seasonal
The restaurant also offers a variety of seasonal dishes, such as "beef buns," "chicken buns," "vegetable buns," and "curry buns."

Other desserts and soups are also available.

The most popular item is the tang tang set, which comes with apricot bean curd and soup for 630 yen!

The soup and apricot bean curd are also quite large and a good value.

This time, I had the Kakuni Miso Manju Manju for +60 yen for the Tang Tang set!

When you eat it, you will find a large piece of stewed pork cubes inside.

The taste, of course, is also very satisfying.

The soup in the set is also perfect, with multiple large meatballs and a generous portion!

The soup was warm and delicious.

The problem is the apricot bean curd...

As a self-proclaimed aphobe of apricot pudding, I did not have high hopes for the dessert apricot pudding.

However, when I tried it, it was moderately sweet and perfect for after dinner.

Maybe next time I'll just buy the apricot bean curd by itself."

It seemed like a good idea.

If you have time,

Why don't you all go there?

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