Hello everyone, this is Roy from LFC staff (^_^)
This time we would like to introduce Mr. Shunsuo Teruya, who is a member of a baseball team in Okinawa! We became friends with Teruya through baseball in high school, and recently we met again after a long time.
Teruya Shunsui has stood out quite a bit since his high school days with his particularly good defense and good batting! In college, he played baseball at Fuji University, a powerhouse in the Tohoku region, and is currently a member of the Enagic hardball club, and this is his second year. This is his second year on the Enagic hardball team, and this is his first year to enter the professional baseball world as a working adult! I asked him about it, and he told me that no one from the Enagic hardball club has been selected as a professional baseball player yet, so he and I are both hoping that he will be the first one!
We started the actual treatment and made adjustments due to the misalignment of the neck, perhaps due to a heavy burden on the neck. The adjustment of the neck, back, and hips went well, and immediately after the treatment, he checked his body movements, such as swinging, and felt the difference, especially the increase in the range of motion! I felt that she had been practicing hard and that her body was under a lot of strain.
It looks like you will be coming again in the future, and we hope that we can be of some support to your door to the professional world! The entire LFC staff will continue to support you!