The LFC Director updated the youngest age patient!

Hello everyone, I am Kawamitsu, Director of LFC.

Today, I would like to share with you an update on our youngest customer. The Yoshida family has appeared several times in the past, but this time we have a new addition to the family, and also a new customer of our own, "Asahi," who was born the other day.

The patient received chiropractic care at 9 days of age. I had treated a 2-week-old baby before, but this was an update. The baby is so adorable, sleeping like his job is to sleep.

I asked my parents if there was anything strange about his condition, and it seemed that his poop was hard. So I examined "Asahi's" waist and found a slight discrepancy. I think this may have had an effect. I am looking forward to seeing "Asahi" again.

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