Your friend's dog, Kotaro.

Hello~Life Force Chiropractic..............................

We are already in the second half of August! It's hot in Okinawa every day, but I hear it's hotter outside the prefecture than in Okinawa! My friends who live outside of Okinawa are telling me that it's over 40 degrees Celsius💦 and that it's too hot for them! One of my friends sent me a picture of her dog who didn't want to go for a walk because of the heat and was hiding under the sofa or bed with a crying face. It seems that Kotaro usually loves to go for a walk, but you can understand animals too. It's true that most of his walks are on asphalt, so his feet must be hot in the summer 💦 I hope the day comes soon when he can go back to being a walk-loving Kotaro-kun~!

Are you also suffering from summer fatigue? Why don't you adjust the flow of nerves and distortion of bones with our Life Force Chiropractic treatment and feel refreshed?

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